— Kin

Kin Belle Wallpaper

Group 2Created with Sketch.
— Kin

Kin Belle Wallpaper

Harmonious warm hues with clashing cool tones. Abstract brush strokes depict our ever evolving lives through growth and balance.


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- Non-Woven Dimensions: 70cm/10m roll
- Vinyl Dimensions: 60cm/10m roll
- Wide-Width Rolls Available on Request
- Bespoke MTM Panels Available on Request
- Made In the UK


h:60cm x v:51.11cm

Kin Collection

Joy in love and in life. Kin is a tapestry woven with threads of shared history, unspoken understanding, and a deep wellspring of love that knows no bounds. It is an ever evolving connection, a constellation of souls that illuminate the path of our lives. A reminder that in this vast world, we are never truly alone, for we carry our Kin.

Wallpaper Types

SKUFabric QualityComposition
IC3564 DomesticSoft Crackle Coated Non Woven, Pearl Smooth Coated Non Woven, Matte Uncoated Non-Woven
IC3565 VinylFine Suede Vinyl (Type 1 and Type 2)


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