The Virgin Hotel
TYPE: Hospitality
LOCATION: Edinburgh, UK
Maria in Superluxe Velvet features upon the cushions in each Virgin Hotel, Edinburgh guest room and suite. Inspired by the city’s Camera Obscura, Maria represents a vision of Edinburgh's rich, multifaceted heritage and architectural mystique through contemporary eyes.

Maria, Superluxe Velvet Cushion
In the hazy days of 2019 we were invited by our friends at ICA to work on custom textiles for an intriguing Hotel project here in Scotland. Gradually, we were to discover more details relating to location and brand. An exceptional Edinburgh based hotel, situated in the Heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town. Its design, details and partners chosen sensitively and collaboratively, with the city itself at the heart.

Alongside Maria, our fabrics reside in both public areas and 'Sir Richard’s Flat'. A sheer joy of a project, throwing open its majestic doors on 1st June 2022.

- Interior Design: ICA Studio
- Hotel: The Virgin Hotel, Edinburgh
- Featured Design: Custom Maria Cushion