— Garden Secrets

Ripe Wallpaper

Group 2Created with Sketch.
— Garden Secrets

Ripe Wallpaper

Ripe features an intriguing and sometimes deceptive repeat of vibrant red. Red peppers or ripe berries in the yes of some, fiery scotch bonnet chillies to others. Ripe's true origins belong as a trusty old taps hidden beneath a myriad of glasshouse botanicals.


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- Non-Woven Dimensions: 70cm/10m roll.
- Vinyl Dimensions: 60cm/10m roll.
- Wide-Width Rolls Available on Request.
- Bespoke MTM Panels Available on Request.
- Made In the UK.


h:30cm x v:30cm

Garden Secrets Collection

A unique collection, cultivated organically from a deep-rooted love of nature and the Scottish landscape.

Wallpaper Types

SKUFabric QualityComposition
IC247 DomesticSoft Crackle Coated Non Woven, Pearl Smooth Coated Non Woven, Matte Uncoated Non-Woven
IC332 VinylFine Suede Vinyl (Type 1 and Type 2)


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