— Co-Exist

Marine Wallpaper

Group 2Created with Sketch.
— Co-Exist

Marine Wallpaper

Marine inspired, dreamlike and mystical forms existing deep at the bottom of the ocean. Realised in a painterly print series, each brush stroke harmonizing to form the aquatic tonal symphony of colour.


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- Non-Woven Dimensions: 70cm/10m roll.
- Vinyl Dimensions: 60cm/10m roll.
- Wide-Width Rolls Available on Request.
- Bespoke MTM Panels Available on Request.
- Made In the UK.


h:20cm x v:20cm

Co-Exist Collection

Exploration, curiosity and observation of contemporary existence, our Co-Exist Collection centres around harmony in nature.

Wallpaper Types

SKUFabric QualityComposition
IC1076 DomesticSoft Crackle Coated Non Woven, Pearl Smooth Coated Non Woven, Matte Uncoated Non-Woven
IC1077 VinylFine Suede Vinyl (Type 1 and Type 2)


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