
Paris Deco Off: Perceptions

Perception and subjectivity divine, showcased within a dreamy Parisian setting.

A permanent fascination with subjectivity and perception led to a more in depth, complex curiosity around precisely what constitutes beauty. Since childhood I have garnered a lust for the imperfect. Be that a curiously formed pear, plucked from a tangle of unwieldy orchard branches, a chipped and tannin-stained tea-set, or a weathered old door with it's marbled patina, rusty old hinges and crackling paint peeling to reveal a previous life. From my eyes, age and time are effortless in their beauty and the so too is the natural evolution which carries them.

Subjects to ponder and discuss for endless spells, preferably in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Parisienne coffee in hand and heady scent of French patisserie in the air.

Focusing primarily on perception and subjectivity surrounding beauty, our Perceptions collection was born.

Iona with Kristin Cresiski Kula, Principal of Ellie Jane Collections, Las Vegas

Rue Jacob, in the heart of Paris Deco Off

Showcasing alongside our Italian friends, Lithos Design, and Innovations USA, our collection launch took place within a quaint Parisienne townhouse situated within the Left Bank vicinity of Paris Deco Off.

A unique opportunity to welcome industry guests from all across Europe, the US, Middle East and Asia, as well as our treasured international agents and showrooms. And where better than Deco Off - one of Europes most interactive, sociable and energetic trade events.


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